Sibiu, August – September 2016
PMFD #8, Astra Film Festival
The 8th edition of PMFD took place at an invitation made by Astra Film Festival Sibiu, within Astra Film Junior. The eight films made were featured in the festival on 23rd of November 2016 in Thalia Theatre in Sibiu. The project was co-financed by the Local Council and the Sibiu City Hall through the program “2016 Community Agenda”.
Participants: Adrian Banciu (Onisifor Ghibu Theoretical HighSchool), Ruxandra Brad (Arts HighSchool), Hanna Budrala (Arts HighSchool), Betti Serfőző (Octavian Goga National HighSchool), Tünde Ferencz (Octavian Goga National HighSchool), Ibolya Molnos (Octavian Goga National HighSchool) Izabella Ferencz (Octavian Goga National HighSchool), Maria Blaga (Samuel von Brukenthal National HighSchool), Luca Matioc (Onisifor Ghibu Theoretical HighSchool), Luca Koren (Samuel von Brukenthal National HighSchool)
Vira team: Matei Budeș (tutor), Bogdan Pălici, Natalia Negru, Andrei Crăciun (producers), Denisa Zăbavă, Vlad Popa (assistants)